Monday, 22 April 2013

chapped lips (ouch!!)

hey girls and guys out there, Bonjour!! :)

Have you ever had experienced of a very dry lips and eventually it start to stretch and the worst start to happen that your lips start to bleed???? well I dooooo.. :((

this happened to me last few weeks but i wont even bother to prevent it at first because i thought it was just NORMAL?? but when it starts to bleed i am sooo damn scared and start to make research on internet on how to prevent and cure chapped lips..

so here are what i found,some of the info might be something you already know some might be i'll juz summarize it in DO AND DONT'S point..:)


  1. DRINK A LOT of plain/mineral water everyday. (try to drink the whole 1.5 L mineral bottle per day)
  2. EAT LOTS OF FRUITS (preferable citrus fruits like oranges). yeah this is my mistakes,since i've been working i rarely eat fruits and the worst part is i am not a veggie person,eww i hate vegetables. so i am thinking to take Vitamin C tablets everyday.
  3. PUT LIP BALM. use lipbalm/petroleum jelly like vaseline or nivea lip balm,it will prevent more damage on your lips.
  4. PUT HONEY on your lips before going to sleep. yes,its a traditional method to maintain your lips moisture.
  1. LICK YOUR LIPS. yes,i tend to this every time i feel it dry and surprisingly it is the worst thing to do coz i juz know that certain enzymes present in saliva (normally used for digestion) irritate the lips, and the evaporation of the water in saliva saps moisture from them. OMG!
  2. PULL THE DEAD DRY SKIN roughly as it will only make things worst. like seriously??unfortunately yes it is.
  3. STAY IN DRY or COLD environment for too long,if you can't avoid it then drinks a lots of water and bring your lip balm along.

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